Stacking the Raspberry Pi UPS HAT and Prototyping Plate
A frequent request we get is how to power the Pi with a separate +5V power supply and use a UPS hat at the same time.
A simple and elegant solution is stacking a Raspberry Pi Prototyping Plate on top of the Raspberry Pi UPS HAT. This allows you to do both very easily and makes it simple to connect to GPIO pins!
There are two ways to stack them:
- The first is taller, is compatible with the optional Extended Run Time Battery UPS HAT - 18650 Cell, 2200mAh and requires no extra parts,
- The second is more compact, uses the 450mAh battery included with the UPS hat but needs a separate GPIO Stacking Header for Pi - Extra-long 2x20 Pins.
Let's start with the taller version
You will need:
- One Raspberry Pi (recommended: 3B+ or 4)
- One Raspberry Pi UPS HAT (header is soldered)
- One Raspberry Pi Prototyping Plate with included header attached
- Two cable ties for the optional 2200mAh battery or tape for the standard 450mAh battery
- Optional, recommended: Aluminum Heatsink for Raspberry Pi B+/2/3 (2-Pack) or Aluminum Heatsink for Raspberry Pi 4B (3-Pack)
- If needed, install the heat sinks on the Pi.
- Take the standoffs from the UPS hat box and place the ones with a male screw part on the bottom of the UPS hat.
Screw the ones from the Prototyping Plate on top of the UPS hat. - If you are using the optional 2200mAh battery, attach it now to the hat with cable ties and connect it. You may need to move it towards the USB connector later, keep this in mind while tightening the cable ties!
Install the UPS hat on top of the Pi. Gently rocking it will make it easier to insert the GPIO pins.
Screw it to the Pi using the screws from the UPS hat set. Shown here with the optional 2200mAh battery attached.- If you are using the standard 450mAh battery, install it on the UPS hat and tape it down so the pins from the Prototyping Plate don't pierce it.
Install the Prototyping Plate on top of the UPS hat, making sure the pins don't pinch the battery. You may need to adjust the battery position!
Screw down the Prototyping Plate with screws from it's set. With the cable ties installed on the optional battery, it will be a tight fit so don't screw too much or the boards will bend!
You may now power the Pi through the 5V and GND screw terminals!
Now, the compact version
Note: This version can only be used with the 450mAh battery included with the UPS hat. The 2200mAh won't fit!
You will need:
- One Raspberry Pi (recommended: 3B+ or 4)
- One Raspberry Pi UPS HAT (header is soldered)
- One Raspberry Pi Prototyping Plate (header will be removed)
- One GPIO Stacking Header for Pi - Extra-long 2x20 Pins
- Tape for the standard 450mAh battery
- Optional, recommended: Aluminum Heatsink for Raspberry Pi B+/2/3 (2-Pack) or Aluminum Heatsink for Raspberry Pi 4B (3-Pack)
- If needed, install the heat sinks on the Pi.
- Take the standoffs from the UPS hat box and place them on the UPS hat.
Install the UPS hat on top of the Pi. Gently rocking it will make it easier to insert the GPIO pins.
Screw it to the Pi using the screws from the UPS hat set.
Install the standard 450mAh battery on the UPS hat and tape it down so the pins from the Prototyping Plate don't pierce it.
Remove the header from the Prototyping Plate by gently rocking it repeatedly.
Install the GPIO Stacking Header for Pi - Extra-long 2x20 Pins on the Pi, gently rocking it so it is inserted as far as it will go.
Install the Prototyping Plate by pressing down on the black connector while rocking the Plate. Be careful not to bend pins while installing! Once the pins go through the connector, continue but press it on the sides. Failure to do so could damage the Prototyping plate!
Screw the Prototyping Plate down using the screws that came with it.
You may now power the Pi through the 5V and GND screw terminals!
Good success with your project!